Today I am gonna describe
you how to smooth skin in Photoshop. This is the most wanted/popular effect
in Photoshop that anyone wants to apply to make his/her picture better.
This will help you to make
your pictures better for uploading them on Facebook
. And the best part of
this effect is that it is very difficult for others to even guess that your
photo is edited.
You can do all this in any version of Photoshop but this one is done in Photoshop CS5.
Step 1
- First, open your image.
- Duplicate your background layer. For that simply drag the layer onto the new layer icon in the bottom right of the layer palette.
- Now set the blending mode of this newly created layer to "Vivid Light".
as shown in image:
Step 2
- Now, invert this layer. Do this by pressing Cmd + I (from Mac), Ctrl + I (from PC) or Image > Adjustments > Invert.
- Then, apply a Gaussian Blur by selecting Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur (Detail : Applying a blur filter to an inverted picture will make it look shaper.) Use the slider (below 'Radius' as shown in image) until you can see the pores on her face.
Step 3
- Now let smooth the skin!
- Go to Filter > Other >High Pass.
- Move the slider as shown in image below until you are happy with the smoothing.
I don't think that you have to scroll down more for more steps. Yes, you are done with editing.
You can see some good changes that you always want in you photo.
And please don't ask me the name of this girl if she occupied some space in your heart . I value your feelings but i also don't know her.